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~happy belated bday~ Wednesday, January 30, 2008 reminder to self: [all due on either THIS friday or saturday] GOOD LUCK! *mice test *culi test *psyc presentation *fem issues report *psyc test [saturday] pls check time!! *psyc peer evaluation HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MR VICTOR CHOK!!!!!!!!! haha.. wows.. so shiok huh? viva la musica III on ur birthday.. and whoo~ he got a solo too! =) bleah.. just wen we tot we could surprise him with a cake.. LOL.. hmm.. ended up we had to rush off.. lalala~~ lols.. my yirong mummy is so funny la huh.. duno concert how many times liao.. still so scared and nervous.. hahaha =X hmm. rushed off from tp to get cake from sugarloaf.. whee!! cake was baked by Chef fum and chef lilian.. and the chocolates and glaze shld be done by chef fum i think? amaretto mousse.. wonder how it taste like...... whoalaoeh victor, all ur fault la.. LOL.. just kidding! aniwae.. the concert ended on a high note.. so weird la.. for viva la musicas.. every concert they will shout encore 2 times lor.. i seriously wonder why.. LOL.. it's not weird that we actually prepared 2 encore pieces. yeahs.. im so glad the concert is OVER! yay! i totally need a good break man.. soon it will all be over.. whoops! im SUPPOSED to have secured my sip placement on 31 january 2008.. but but but.. i hvnt even been for any interview! LOL.. hmm.. the major turn of my poly life is soooooooooo going to be SIP man.. gosh gosh gosh.. let's hope i can get into SLG.. or even specforce.. if they're conducting an interview soon enough! hmm and after sip will be my last semester in poly.. it's gonna be HEAVY.. urghsss... i wonder wad's going to happen aft that.. ==================================================================== these few days hv been really really tiring.. chionging projects.. concerts concerts and concerts.. either performing or attending the. arghs.. all my money gone to the ticketsss.. and cos im so busy. i din work.. arghss.. no money.. and now.. im left with tests, tests and report submissions and project deadlines and one presentation.... ==================================================================== yays! once again.. thanks to all for coming to support viva la III =D and a BIG THANK YOU for YOU who got the $30 ticket =X lalala.. hmm.. piggies are getting more expensive than qingwas on human pets... LOL.. and thanks to nsqh!! for the toblerone and ferrero rocher! thanks to jols, yile, see hua, rusty, aqidah, judith, [my number 1 lao po!] for coming.. thanks to mark, issac, hariani and jasmine tan! oooooooooh.. finally get to see issac! thanks for all the roses and gifts! yay! and im so fated with my daddy charles! macham every concert oso can see him lor! hahahaha.. well wells.. this is my last time playing withe them i guess? LOL.. stupid yuexiang.. so old liao still act like a fool.. he's already 21! bleah.. i call him OLD MAN hor.. he retorted:"whoa! wad old man?! u this morning never eat vitamin C will go siao izzit?" me: -.-"' Whee just sent my resume and cover letter over! shall go bathe.. ~~ Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Samuel Xie Bin commented on your Human Pets profile. "青蛙越来越贵了, 扶养权竞争越来越 强了!" LOL.. beware people! dun eat tian ji zous!! =) ~freaking irritated~ Monday, January 21, 2008 whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. damned annoying la.. p i s s e d ! ! ! who's that idiotic moron that keeps buying me at human pets? argh!! thanks everyone for buying me back.. but in a fit of anger and ^%*$&(% moment, i decided to BUY myself at 1000 points.. LOL.. it doesnt matter since i currently have 4000+ points left! wahahahaha!! =) yays! just called my dream sip company! yes arh! there's still place for me!!! whee~~~~ all i hv to do is send the cover letter and resume.. and wait for my interview! gosh! im sooooooooooooooooo going to work extra hard for this position man!!! my DREAM SIP job!!! =) wish me luckss!!! yays! shall blog abt my outside marketing thingy wen i hv the time! THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT!! =D ~yeahs!~ Friday, January 18, 2008 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha!!! yes arh!!!! finally finally FINALLY done with Fest event mgt project! whee~~~~~~ haha.. only left 3 project that hasnt been submitted! psychology more or less done. with only the presentation slides to worry about. Service skills Metho~~ erms.. that's on the last week of the whole thing. and i wld be doing outside marketing.. which means i will be selling yummy goodies from sugarloaf around design school area! lol.. if u happen to pass by that area, pls pls pls come and buy! so i dont hv to carry /lug around all those goodies with chun hui! =) Culi science oso nothing much liao.. the written proposal hv been up. only left the theory test, learning log 2 and the actual project execution day whr we hv to prepare the food for the wednesday group to sell. lalala.. whoops! and i jolly well better SEND my resume to spec force! wahahahaha.. that's the only compnay im EYEING on for internship.. haha.. i guess the reasons are DAMN OBVIOUS for me at least! =D i gotta get that man! arghS!!!! *prays hard* wahahaha.. yea man! thank god i did my CNY shopping early! now im only left with shoes/ heels.. lol.. i guess i hv enough slippers. not forgetting the fact that i can wear my sis de flip flops of course! lalala.. lots and lots of things to look forward to aft clearing these stuff!! the best part is that there's no more project chionging! woots! yeah! im going to make up for my loss of sleep the last weeks man! ESPECIALLY last week! damned! who's tt idiot who keeps buying me back on human pets???? argh.... ~busy~ Tuesday, January 15, 2008 wows.. this week has been super busy! saw ALOT of people no matter where i go. some of them is quite long time never see them de. also met chef lilian on bus 15. LOLs.. i doubt she knws who i am.. cos we all look VERY VERY DIFFERENT aft wearing the uniform.. hmms.. hvnt been sleeping past 6 hours for any single day! EXCEPT for the sunday that just passed! whoa.. damn shiok! macham rot at home de pattern.. i only left my bed around 2 or 3pm i think? was so freaking worn out these days.. haixx.. bleah.. kinda tink im asking for more things to do man.. arghs. shld hv not played for alumni, den i would hv more time for me, myself and my work.. and more leisure time man....................................................... lalala.. oh man! im supposed to sell all 10 tickets for alumni concert.. whoops whoops whoops!! aiya.. lalala yay! YEOH SU QIN! im happy that you ARE HAPPY~ =) haha.. so random.. aniwae.. FAEZAH! stop saying 'psy...' =p haha.. so glad im in the slackers club!! LOL~!!! owaes skip lectures.. =p im HAPPY tho im TIRED =) lols.. to be able to be tired.. is also a bliss LOL.. i sound like im going to die bleah.. off to bed!! ~~ Sunday, January 06, 2008 stupid mango having craved for mangoes for such a long time. i've decided NOT to crave for it! stupid irritating grrr.. im freaking damn pissed! i cant believe it quotes quotes and more quotes.. wows. im surprised that we dont need to be any famous author, well versed in literature to come up with amazing quotes! i salute ms yeoh su qin! "捉摸不定的事情, 让我不再相信世界有什么好际遇, 让我不再相信沉沦于梦想是实际的, 让我不再相信这世上有什么好让我期待的, 更让我不再相信爱情是属于我的" "在爱情国度里, 所得到的快乐相等于将来所会承受的痛苦" by selina's brother “捉摸不定的爱情,让我们无法前进” or the improved version ''捉摸不定的爱情,让我无法看清那所谓美好的未来'' ''对的时间,遇见对的人,是一生幸福; 对的时间,遇见错的人,是一场心痛。 错的时间,遇见错的人,是一种荒唐; 错的时间,遇见对的人,是一声叹息。'' ''放了爱,如此才能恢复自己, 放了爱,如此才能救出自己, 抛开纠缠的过去, 绝不再困住彼此的心, 自由的呼吸。 没有你, 孤单也美丽'' '' 这是我的生存之道, 我最不需要的就是梦想, 最没兴趣的就是恋爱, 我不会让自己有希望落空的机会, 因为没有期望,就不会失望'' ''为什么我们总是不懂得珍惜眼前人? 在未可预知的重逢里, 我们以为总会重逢, 总会有缘再会, 总以为有机会说一声对不起, 却从没想过每一次挥手道别, 都可能是诀别, 每一声叹息, 都可能是人间最后的一声叹息。'' ''爱情中的分分合合, 让我害怕受伤、 害怕让自己堕落于这爱情旋涡之中。 更害怕自己会无法抽身于这痛苦世界。 为之所以, 我不再相信爱情, 不再相信世上有谁比自己更值得去爱。'' lols.. see hua. u wanna tok abt them all? =D yeps. upcoming concert. for those who's not sincere in going. PLEASE DONT GO. i wont force you for it does neither party good. for those who think it's a waste of money and time dont go. for those who think you're better off slacking at home. dont go. for those who are keen in supporting but dont wanna pay 15 bucks, who have lessons early nxt morning on wednesday, who have the time but are super shagged, dont have the time but want to go.. i dont mind if u all cant make it. seriously dont mind i think what counts is more of the sincerity. that's the only thing that matters. at least i shld carify this first.. for now. i only expect one ticket from my set of tickets. =) it doesnt matter... qinghui dont have the mood to blog abt wad has happened today. in other words, she's lazy to upload the photos today. stay tuned.. ~366th post~ Saturday, January 05, 2008 wow.. today's the 'new year' for my blog.. why? cause it's the 366th post! time flies.. and my blog's been here for a very long time. ya, at least i think so.. quite an achievement for me.. especially since i blog pretty religiously. surprisingly! i forgot about today's MICE make up lesson.. until Kathy's call woke me up. since i doubt i skipped any of his lesson.. let's just take it as i clear leave la huh? i don't know why.. though i slept at 4am last night. i just cant seem to feel like i did sleep a few hours. went to school to print my fem report. cool. i spent the whole of last night doing the report. quite a feat huh? especially wen it's submitted a few hours before the deadline.. and it's such last minute work!?! then went over to the mac opp tp for lunch with Faezah and YEOH SU QIN.. lols.. i seriously don't know why i hang out with people not in my class more often. and they're not even my ex-classmate. HAHAHA.. but who cares?! after lunch at mac.. someone suggested skipping accounts lecture. and being such BLOODY SLACKERS, we skipped lecture AGAIN.. gosh.. i skipped all lectures held this week except for Culinary lecture by Ms Wilson. and instead of doing some research for our assignment due on Wednesday, we actually spent a good 1 and a half hour FRIENDSTER-ING!! actually it was supposed to be movie session la huh? but someone the website doesnt load? sooo.. it bcame friendster-ing.. who would know that friendster can actually occupy such a long time? NOT ME-- until today.. we're seriously hopeless, cure less la. the other time aft the mice field trip at suntec, wen i ended up with the two of them, i ended up shopping around suntec and skipping accounts lecture and only returning to school for band prac i think? i SWEAR they're the bad influence la.. bleah.. aniwae.. i dinno my email address actually remind people of some Pokemon! -.-" LOL.. i sure had fun tickling faezah whenever she said that pokemon's name! lalala~~ culinary lecture by ms Wilson was really interesting too! our class was the one that got most of the geographical questions correct. whether by pure knowledge or plain guessing. alumni band was next. it sure feels good to be playing with Mr lim conducting. THE GOOD OLD TIMES.. the only pity is that for my batch, there is only me and victor today. lim wei jie so suay sia! so fast enlisted into NS. but he came down for fun aniwae! haha! botak head!! and for the concert.. there's only going to be me, syaherah and victor from our batch. some pieces we're playing include: Jacob's ladder to the crescent moon Gelato con Cafe Soran funk Virtuoso Dolly dun bother asking me how they sound like la huh? cos i only saw majority of the score TODAY! please do come and support this concert huh.. viva la concert series has been the concert that's dearest to me. tho i must ^^IYH$%^& the principal for the 15bucks price tag! grr grr.. went off to mac aft band prac. haha.. mac YET AGAIN?! pissed! wen's my D gray man coming out? darn!!! nothing else is worth blogging abt i guess. that's all ~lols~ Thursday, January 03, 2008 siala.. YEOH SU QIN! here my reply man.. whoalaoeh.. put my name so big in ur blog? scared ppl cant see izzit? wad XIAO HAI ZI? u're more like xiao hai zi than me lor.. u this crazy woman!! hahaha.. and im so sure u wun wanna see the irritating side of me.. =P lalala.. wad morning sms? aiyoyo.. jealous for wad? i've got countless morning calls from ALOT of people! haha! so xing fu right? so many ppl gave me morning calls that i dont even rmb! hohoX.. =P u dun lame la.. hahaha.. =) i can easily find ppl to morning call me.. rather than get over the moon just cause of one sms hohoho~~~ =X ~hmm~ Tuesday, January 01, 2008 yays! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! lalala... let all the bad things cum to an END at 2007!! let's embrace the goodness of 2008!! whee~~ this year's countdown has been kinda SPECIAL.. haha.. not special in the sense that it's bad.. HAHA! hmm, then again, it's bad cause we're eating for 2 hours STRAIGHT!! arghs! how terribly sinful.. haha.. but let all these be 'forgoten' in 2008 =) oh yeah.. eat? 2 hours at where?! it's me, jolene, see hua and piggy desmond over at jolene's place.. first, we're meeting at giant GIANT for food.. but see hua's hp battery died on her? so she only got to meet us like a good 2 hours later? but tt doesnt stop us from sourcing out all those yummies.. meatballs, har gow, mushrooms, chicken meat... food food food.. and barcadi.. lalala.. so qiao, met daniel goh ovr thr.. lalala.. aft tt we made our way to her house.. haha! bobby!!! only hv short hair.. so poor thing.. wow.. by the time see hua reach, it was just nice lor.. the huang jin lv start liao.. den we eat eat eat and EAT!! by 11pm, we're kinda done with fruits.. baby oranges? tangerines? wadeva~~ siala.. just nice for countdown can?! lols.. as we're all waiting for 2008 to arrive, we're kinda waiting for smses to stream? needless to say, only me and jols were in the HIGH mode.. lalala.. soon after that we took our drinks and went down to the neighbourhood.. went to lots of places.. we got stuck at the slide >.< LOL hmm, only me and jols were game enuf la huh? since we're the young ones down there.. we'd better potray the high-spiritedness of teenagers.. these soon-to-be 20 year olds can just rot down there.. =X hahaha.. went over to fitness corner.. did alot of stupid things.. went over to compass point there de open field to watch stars.. a really windy night... the breeze is those that blows away ur troubles and stress... for that moment.. we really had PEACE.. until SOMEONE started plucking leaves and tickle / throw at us.. -.-" so mature la huh? goodness!!! desmond aint called a pig for nothing! other than thinking abt projects, watching tv and sleep.. the MAIN focus was actually on food!!! ice monster? ya kun? never-ending food food food! loitered around the area.. and went back to her house.. bleah.. den i started on some of my work while the 3 of them played dai di. [i really duno how to play tt. and 3am aint a good time to start learning] so after my work was done, i went to rest my eyes while they cont playing.. Time-check==> 05:23am lols.. jols asleep.. desmond's watching the bee movie.. see hua's kinda stone-ing or watching me blog all these.. and me? DUH!!~~ im blogging.. =) r e f le c t i o n s ......................................... 2007 has flew by.. so fast huh? im already in my second year for Leisure & Resort Mgt.. soon, i'll be going for SIP.. den i will leave the school for good.. wow.. wonder wad i wld be doing then? forget abt tht first... i wanna thank everyone that has been here with me since long long time or anything la.. without u guys.. i cant possibly have made it this far.. neither would i be able to survive my year 1 chionging projs super last minute.. for this.. i really got to thank Rizan for his words.. although he's graduated from TP, that doesnt stop our frenship man!! and of course.. i also have to thank my clique of frens that i've known since years ago.. haha. even though im owaes so busy and tied down with either frens, school work or even cca.. i dont have the time to hang out with them that much. but for them, it's kinda like those "im glad just knowing that all of you are somewhr in the world.. =) " thank my seniors, juniors, friends.. haha. for all those nonsense, crap, lame jokes,encouragement, laugther and memories.. tp band see hua, jolene, yi le, olivia, daddy randy, desmond, rusty, zhe xing, nina, hariani, ... thanks for having supper together! =) we sure have bonded well thru these short periods after band prac.. hahaha.. of course have to thank them for being there for me *listening ear *accepting my random-ness *cravings for PRATA *and my xiao xiao-ness *rantings and complains couldnt knw wad else to say.. and friends i've knwn.. haha... thanks for the memories! ciao~~ Labels: 2007 2008 |
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