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~SPEICAL THANKS!!~ Sunday, April 29, 2007 yeps yeps.. almost forgot to thank JUDITH for sending me "Cry On My Shoulder" .. it's really meaningful!! wow!! i wanna learn this song!! den can go k box!! wuhoo~~ but it's really sad lar! ='( but SAD SONGS are NICE!!! and SAMUEL CHIA for finding that song.. and owaes change my blog song for me.. and owaes change the "Now Playing" part for my blog! haha.. thanks! everytime send u tt song den i can expect the nxt time i go to my blog everything will be done! haha.. best of all? no complaints from him! and it's FOC! yeps.. hahaha.. aniwae.. Avril Lavigne --> Girlfriend [Chorus] Hey! Hey! You! You!I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way!I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You!I could be your girlfriend Hey! Hey! You! You!I know that you like me No way! No way!No it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You!I want to be your girlfriend You're so fine I want you mine You're so deliciousI think about ya all the time You're so addictive Don't you know what I could do to make you feel alright? (alright alright alright alright) Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious Hell yeah I'm the mother (fucking) princess I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right (I'm right I'm right I'm right) She's like so whatever You could do so much better I think we should get together now And that's what everyone's talking about! [Chorus] Hey! Hey! You! You!I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way!I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You!I could be your girlfriend Hey! Hey! You! You!I know that you like me No way! No way!No it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You!I want to be your girlfriend I can see the way, I see the way you look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me I know you talk about me all the time again and again (and again and again and again) So come over here, tell me what I want to hear Better yet make your girlfriend disappear I don't want to hear you say her name ever again (And again and again and again!) She's like so whatever You could do so much better I think we should get together now And that's what everyone's talking about! [Chorus] Hey! Hey! You! You!I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way!I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You!I could be your girlfriend Hey! Hey! You! You!I know that you like me No way! No way!No it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You!I want to be your girlfriend In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger Cause I can, cause I can do it better There's no other So when's it gonna sink in She's so stupid What the hell were you thinking? In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger Cause I can, cause I can do it better There's no other So when's it gonna sink in She's so stupid What the hell were you thinking? [Chorus] Hey! Hey! You! You!I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way!I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You!I could be your girlfriend Hey! Hey! You! You!I know that you like me No way! No way!No it's not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You!I want to be your girlfriend No Way No Way.... yeah.. today went to suppost victor for the asian youth competition.. wuhoo~~ nice one vic! haa.. but obviously he's damn nervous!!!! wad matters is that it's OVER!! haha.. can rest in peace liao arh? den ur father oso dun hv to complain!! ahahahaha.. hmm.. went to watch with lim wei jie.. actually mandy was supposed to go too.. but she gotta watch phantom of the opera.. LOL.. she oso damn blur lar! aniwae.. wei jie.. not tt bad liao la.. hahaha.. ting ting! i know u must be :"!!!!!" hahaha.. aniwae..we did had alot of fun suaning him din we? heh heh heh.. 被点名了传说中的爱x无限大爱x无限大- 爱x无限大part1 - 1、Q:敢问和我一起发扬爱的力量的你的鼎鼎大名是 A:chua qing hui 2、Q:你伟大的出生日子是 A:28 july 1989 3、Q:你的血型和你的星座是 A:?型 狮子座 4、Q:你的身高和体重是 A:163m.. weight.. i go find my weighing scale first! 52 Kg.. i hope im healthy! 5、Q:你目前最想做的事情是〔至多三项〕 A:^learn martial arts ^be a full time slacker ^find some place where i can scream to my hearts' content.. =X 6、Q:反之,最厌恶的是〔至多三项〕 A:^early mornings ^getting tied down.. i dun hv to elaborate this.. 7、Q:本回合最后一题,目前影响你最深的是〔至多三项〕 A:^my suay-ness ^having the same blog song as eileen [abit too freaky] ^all my probs.. 爱x无限 大part2 -〔友谊认识篇〕 1、Q:当初发不实广告单、把你骗进来的宝贝是谁 A:samuel! 2、Q:这个可爱宝贝跟你的关系是 A:he's the best guy friend i can ever ever find! 3、Q:你跟这个宝贝是怎么认识的 A:cos we're in the same class in sec 3 and 4.. 4、Q:你们认识多久了 A:hmm.. three years liao.. wow.. time flies! 5、Q:这个宝贝有什么你认为优于别人的特点吗 A:the way he luffs at stuff.. his naive tots? him rolling his eyeballs at stuffs.. 6、Q:在你心目中这个宝贝是个什么样的人 A:him? hmm.. haha.. he's fantastic beyond words! 7、Q:本回合最后一题,你爱这个宝贝吗 A:haha.. love him? of course la.. but i wun “爱死他” cos he's to precious to be dead! =X 爱x无限大part3 -〔自我篇〕 1、Q:你很自恋吗 A:me? no way.. how can i be "very"? if liddat wad can i use to describe samuel? =X 2、Q:那你觉得周围的人认为你是怎样的人〔三项〕 A:they must tink i very high.. very sociable.. very blur.. pretty cartoon.. 3、Q:你自己喜欢的个性是〔三项〕 A:me? hmm.. able to be siao.. ability to control my tears.. ability to control my temper.. heh.. u dun wanna see me lose my temper.. 4、Q:相反的,你讨厌的个性是〔三项〕 A:^disorganised ^undetermined ^procrastinating stuff 5、Q:自己想变成的理想类型〔三项〕 A:^sharp ^understanding ^happy 6、Q:觉得自己那里最需要改 A:me? mindset? 7、Q:本回合最后一题,请用一句话形容自己 A:i'm not who u tink i am.. 爱x无限大part4 -〔联想篇〕 1、Q:说到杯子会让你联想到谁呢 A:me? 2、Q:说到御宅族你想到的是 A:cos i tink of milk.. den i realised i drinking milk now.. so.. 3、Q:说到天边一朵云想到的是 A:cotton candy? i guess everyone wld hv tot of this.. 4、Q:说到屁精你想到的是 A:hmm.. jessica wee? 5、Q:说到红色你想到的是 A:melody! cos she loves red.. 6、Q:说到总受你想到的是 A:my life? 7、Q:本回合最后一题,说到晴天你想到的是 A:jay chou's song.. 爱x无限大part5 -〔爱情篇〕 1、Q:现在有喜欢的对象吗 A:serious no.. though i wonder who i wld fall for nxt! so i will use my last one.. 2、Q:是什么关系呢 〔参考:普通朋友、暧昧不明、甜蜜情侣、老夫老妻〕 A:friends.. 3、Q:你认为他对你的感觉是〔参考:普通同学、无话不谈、好哥儿、早就暗恋你很久了〕 A:he like me.. at least tt fren of his said so.. 4、Q:你有情敌吗 A:haha.. of course hv la! 5、Q:你觉得你们在一起的机率是 A:eh.. zero cos he's attached.. and i'm not the type tt will snatch ppl.. 6、Q:你认为谈恋爱后的他是个怎样的人 A:hmm.. suay? but he's tame.. 7、Q:本回合最后一题,你现在最想跟他说什么 A:er.. get well soon! 爱x无限大part6 -〔十八禁篇〕 被忽略了- 爱x无限大part7 -〔KUSO篇〕kuso 篇规则:请列举七个你第一直觉想到的人填完,才能开始看题目喔 1. sze rui 2. joyce 3. judith 4. li hong 5. matthew 6. mark 7. randy 1、Q:如果[3]不小心看到[1]跟[7]在学校顶楼来个法式热吻,你认为[3]会做何反应 A: she would cfm call me or msg me!!! tt's if she know who [1] is.. 2.Q:[6]跟你告白,你会做何反应 A:OH MY GOD!! 3、Q:[4]跟[5]跟[2]来段三角恋你的反应是 A:wad's happening to this world?!!! 4、Q:[3],[7]谁唱歌好听 A:haha!! will answer this qns wen i hear them sing!!! 5、Q:某天,你看到[4]跟[1]鬼鬼祟祟的走在一起。你认为他们想做什么? A:Hmm.. they saw sth they shouldnt see?? 6、Q:某天早上,你发现你身边一旁躺者[5],而且床旁边多了许多卫生纸,你的反应是 A:how cum he's here? whoa.. wad happened?! 7、Q:本回合最后一题,如果[2]跟[6]两人要争夺你,你会选择谁 A: LOL!! why would they fight over me? i guess it would hv made more sense if it's [2] and [3]. Who would i choose? of course is [2] lar! who shall cont this thingy? heh heh heh heh.. 1. sze rui 2. joyce 3. clement sim 4. li hong 5. matthew 6. see hua 7. randy ~new post! wuhoo~~~ Saturday, April 28, 2007 wuhoo~~~ hmm.. i guess. hahaha.. since life is bitter and short.. i shall not ponder on all the countless suay stuff tt happened to me in this few days.. wow.. and doom's day and friday the thirteen is nt even half as jia lat lors.. bleahX.. WADEVA.. haha.. but hor.. wen i frustrated tt time arh.. whoa lao eh! my fren go drink nvr jio me.. zzz.. they tot i would owaes be happy.. den they all bad mood ma.. ZzZz.. sia suay.. i oso bad mood.. haha.. but nvm.. i oso go drink at home.. hahaha.. at least i owaes hv some ppl tt i can rely on.. call them.. wen i cant go online! =) but nvm.. push aside those things for now.. haha..but it will continue to haunt me.. *breathe in* *hold for ten seconds* *breathe out* haha.. i guess it's better. ![]() guys..fighting for the middle spot.. why? cos some guy said the handsome guy is in the middle.. ![]() finally.. and they got their position! haha.. and there's the cca recruitment.. er.. all i rmb is we kept going to cheers and we're under the sun.. aniwae.. haha.. rather than just stone there.. we.. we.. ![]() haha.. did sth scandalous? ![]() okay.. sth more normal! ![]() yeah! Tourism Academy of Sentosa [TAS] here i cum!! ![]() AND.. we owaes need sth cheery rt? hahaha.. tt's me and joyce! =) a pity my ju ju couldnt make it though.. =( ![]() awh.. i soooooooooo miss my freshies!! ![]() 1K02 rawks!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! SAMUEL!! I just found out my tp band de senior, eileen de blog oso put this song!! =( damn sad.. really sad.. i saw the picture i help her and jackson take.. it's another sad story abt the guy leading the gal on.. giving her hopes.. and let reality hit her really hard.. haiXx.. everyone knows.. or at least every gal knows.. this hurts really bad.. *ouch!* i'm like giving eileen sth to look at and cry really bad.. T.T ~wahahaha... yay!~ Thursday, April 26, 2007 yay! time for me to blog.. hahaha.. actually wanna wait a till like saturday den blog one lar.. aiyo.. but so many ppl tell me to blog.. hohohohoX! okay lar.. good frens ma.. cfm must gv face! oh yah!! i hv something to announce! OH MY GOD!! nicholoas soh aka nicky soh aka small boy aka xiao qian has got "THE DEVIL" for tarot card thingy.. [yep.. damn action.. he even put in his blog] okay.. aniwae.. i better start posting photos b4 it gets too 'jammed'. me and joyce!! haha.. b4 band prac.. we must hv fun before we suffer hell u know? ![]() haha.. this is wad happens.. wen a phone with camera falls into the hands of frens.. ![]() ![]() that's li hong and see hua.. =) after amny pictures.. finally got my face.. ![]() yeps! and how can i leave out my good fren kenny?!! wahahahaha.. ![]() yaya!!! ONCE AGAIN.. IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR.. MEANING SAMUEL'S BIRTHDAY!!! okay.. we met a few days b4 his bday.. ![]() shades from xiaoyan, bear from eric chiang.. ![]() haha.. this is the third pic.. i took this myself.. first pic see a bit of sam;s head.. den i say:"if i take 3 times ur head still kena block den it's fate." wahahahaha.. yeps.. ppl like me love to use this type of excuse! and on his bday!! i saw a SAMUEL look alike!! cos i was having biz sch orientation! i duno lar.. but i tink their eyes looks alike.. ![]() ![]() heehss.. tot this is really interesting!! ![]() cake lai de wor!!! ![]() my seminar room.. which is for lectures! very small n cute! yep.. tt's my TAS.. =) ![]() I LURVE SENTOSA! aniwae.. life has been very suay.. aiya! shit!! tml lesson damn early! gotta chiong to bed loh!! hohoX.. yay! special thanks to judith!and i believe b4 tml morning there will be changes to my blog! whoops! loooks like i cant hv it by tonight.. cos mr samuel chia de computer is RETARDED.. Hahahaha.. amazing! computer oso got retarded de!!! aniwae.. Cry On My Shoulder If the hero never comes to you If you need someone you're feeling blue If you wait for love and you're alone If you call your friends nobody's home You can run away but you can't hide Through a storm and through a lonely night Then I'll show you there's a destiny The best things in life they are free But if you wanna cry Cry on my shoulder If you need someone Who cares for you If you're feeling sad Your heart gets colder Yes I show you what real love can do If your sky is grey oh, let me know There's a place in heaven where we'll go If heaven is a million years away Oh, just call me and I'll make your day When the nights are gettin' cold and blue When the days are gettin' hard for you I will always stay here by your side I promise you I'll never hide But if you wanna cry Cry on my shoulder If you need someone Who cares for you If you're feeling sad Your heart gets colder Yes I show you what real love can do But if you wanna cry Cry on my shoulder If you need someone Who cares for you If you're feeling sad Your heart gets colder Yes I show you what real love can do What real love can do What real love can do What love can do What love can do Love can do haha!! i better figure out how to change my blog song man!! haha!! aniwae!! thanks samuel!! for owaes being there to chagne my blog song!! =) ~19 and 20 april~ Sunday, April 22, 2007 took this test after seeing one at sam's bloggy.. You are The Wheel of FortuneGood fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change. What Tarot Card are You? heh.. how true is this? ig uess some parts are pretty factual.. but i now like pretty suay le? luck can change?! i seriously it chage soon! i like unlucky for quite long liao.. cos got some parts i wanted to choose the other option.. den i went back and did it again.. You are The EmpressBeauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You? hehehe.. so i guess u ppl shunt make me angry? of course.. there's one last option i din get to pick.. so here it goes.. You are The MoonHope, expectation, Bright promises. The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window. The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition. What Tarot Card are You? hmm. i guess. i will get addicted to this quiz.. if onli i know how to play with the tarrot card.. aniwae.. one set costs arnd hundred plus.. and it's really beautiful.. and of course..it's said that each set of cards has it's own powers.. and that each time u use it.. it gains more power... whew! ookay.. enuf! Hmm, times flies.. yeah.. haha.. so fast arh.. one year gone liao.. IMPORTANTS DAYS WOR! 19 is week 0 and samuel's birthday! yay! oh yah!! and hsiu ya is cumin to singapore soon.. er.. but tt's arnd end of july? whoa.first day damn suay.. cos my shoe spoilt.. zzz..so went to buy shoe after that.. really lucky to be able to be an SL even though i din go for both the camp and the tea party.. saw quite a number of freshies i know.. my primary sch frens.. juniors.. etc etc.. and of course! i saw my sister lar! oh ya! and i saw the campus superstar yu yang.. tt ah beng from manjusri sec.. HE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AT tcc.. AND HE WASNT ENTHU.. and he cfm duno the TP handsign song..i got to take 1K02 with my ex classmates [T.T] lena ng and jonathan ai.. den tt class got one girl with green highlights sia! damn cool u know?!! serious..a nd she can carry off that style.. aniwae.. i found this guy adam who ogt into LM thru tp concert band.. hmm.. but no one call him wor.. so weiRD.. den there's jonathan chan who auditioned but din get thru.. but he got in thru JAE.. whoa lao eh~ i tink i am super duper damn easy to bully lar! tell me throw rubbish.. the classic one is THIS! to avoid the balloon adam use to hit me.. i hit the LT arm rest! T.T aniwae.. someone that day sian at home the whole day? call me and keep saying "sian".. den keep telling me to skip orientation.. heh.. almost got to see rocky though.. awh~~ but i guess the dog IS TOTALLY different [in terms of temper] from it's owner.. haha.. rmb another thing.. so feel like putting that poem here arh! wahahhaha.. =X yay! finally i have somethings i can threaten you! oh ya!! on samuel's birthday!!! i found a samuel look alike! aiya.. too lazy to post photos now.. =X quite funny lar.. haha.. aiyo..i dam tired liao.. haha.. bye bye! ~haiyo..~ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 stupid TP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the stupid time table STILL not out sia!! den nvr leak?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh.. aniwae.. went out with joyce on monday.. damn scary lar.. sunday night i was on my bed.. falling asleep..er.. to be clearer.. i'm in the barely awake mode lor. den my hp silent mode mah.. suddenly vibrate lor!!! whoa! scare me to death u know?! i duno wad i was doing.. but i tot tt's my alarm --> which means i hv to wake up.. whoa! phew! thank god is joyce de incoming call!!!! -.-" scary seh.. i was like ' hvnt really zzz lei!! hw can so fast wake up!!' yah.. aniwae.. she ask me to go bugis lor..so off we went the nxt day =) damn suay lors.. i go BUGIS so many times.. first time saw my ex de good frens there ok? doesnt matter lar.. but.. one year plus.. i hv been so lucky.. nvr even bump into them.. hmm.. i guess it really marks a bad beginning.. oh yah!!! wahahahahaha.. SAMUEL!!! I BOUGHT UR PRESENT LIAO! =) yeah! at least this makes me smile like an IDIOT!! but hor.. omg.. but my mum keep asking me:"u tink samuel will like meh?" oh dear!?! she keep asking me lor!! really KEEP ASKING.. ~,~ aniwae.. tt day go band.. haha.. wasnt intentional to be late.. =X just tt we're eating at mensa.. hmm.. i miss band.. but i dun miss band.. weird hor? i duno wad's happening.. haiX.. quite sad eh? oh yah.. kena dragged by my sis.. to go out ytd.. argh.. i was planning to finish my 3 books lar! forgot wen's the dead due.. =X aniwae.. it's quite funny why i went to the library.. cos.. everytime i meet my frens hor.. cfm late de.. den.. thank god those places tt i meet them.. there's a library somewhere arnd the corner.. =) talking abt my sis dragging me out.. wahahahaha.. guess who i met there? i met si liang.. and he's wearing LRM shirt.. hahaha.. den i met a pair of lovebirds.. hoho.. is band de wor.. raphael and xueping.. >.< so sweet.. hold hands u know?! haha.. kays.. going to bugis again.. haha.. bye! ~finally i get on with the chalet stuff =))~ Monday, April 16, 2007 hohoho!! very funny.. this whole week has been eating all the bbq food lar.. oh my.. yah.. and of course i'm occupied by chalets.. ya.. and wad other stuff? ehh.. forgot liao.. the chalet organised by kenneth seah n company wasnt good.. why? cos the ppl they invite couldnt really interact.. and.. there's not enuf food.. and the charcoal is too good.. er.. i shall put it this way..the prob lies with those starting the fire i guess? >.< >.< href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4vPjAaGGBU4a66ftwfmdnelkegR6SY7Z94Qcqbf69wMmDIrbMBCTa2YHeMp7u_5yRmLujEFpi4uPejx973xH1wuIN62HHLarHwlEtKR4vuRn_NlcNnVep7yCqd13QK7bBz9Qb/s1600-h/sianners.jpg"> ![]() that's us! aiyo.. i damn short la.. i'm onli this height cos i'm standing on sth higher.. T.T aniwae.. all i could rmb is that we went on listening to his life story ba? not boring one wor.. but just tt it's sth tt's really not going to happen in my life lor.. haiyo.. quite poor thing lar.. aiyo.. so many things happen at the same time.. hmm.. but.. i guess stuffs like this happen to ppl all the time ba? haix.. but but.. really poor thing lar.. well.. nvm tt.. we did manage to make him feel better =) ![]() sze rui and me.. ![]() i'm making the bed ![]() our shuai ge refusing to cooperate.. ![]() just friends =) me and sze rui ![]() refusing to take pic again.. for the first night.. we had FRankie and Gregory with us.. so let me intro ba! if not u all oso duno who's who.. ![]() Gregory ![]() FRANKIE YEAP! NOT FOO!! ![]() NG SZE RUI gregory at first not staying one..but.. cant possibly get him to cab home!! cos he lives at bishan!!! den frankie? wait for the first bus lor.. very funny! we're basically watching tv lor.. the highlight came!!! and the main lead is 小强!!! [pet name for roaches!] whoa! thank god there's onli one.. phew! heng ah!! greg was the first to act.. he took 2 skewers to get rid of tt thing.. BUT!! how? LOL.. damn funny! den disappear liao.. T.T i just took the blanket and covered myself from top to toe with it lor.. den one small hole for my face.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. i wouldnt risk tt thing touchin me or wadeva lar! aniwae.. let's just fast forward.. me and sze rui was making enuf noises.. and greg still cant find tt roach.. SO.. SO.. SO.. our FRANKIE went to the rescue!! LOL.. very funny.. cos he's like:“ 蟑螂真的有这么可怕吗?” den he got up and took newspapers and begun hunting.. no prizes for guessing who killed 小强! of course frankie did.. and all tt i rmb was watching tv.. lols.. watch watch watch.. watch till 4plus am sia!! den i was like :"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see lar! all ur fault! now i cant sleep liao!" er.. i was supposed to meet xiao qian.. [oh ho ho ho hoX!] judith and some toher ppl at SCH at 8.30am.. took abus.. whoa lao! sia suay!! jam like siao lor!! frankie left very punctually arnd 5 plus.. den i too tired lar. so i stone there for like half an hour.. aniwae.. met them at SCH.. and i'm super duper late lar.. =( i HATE people who're LATE.. and i SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HATE MYSELF FOR BEING SOOOOOO DAMN LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh.. enuf of that.. ainwae.. i was like trying my best not to doze off!! very diff lar.. but i guess i din fall asleep! =) whoa.. the day before i slept at arnd 5 am.. den the night b4 i din even sleep lor.. BUT!! it was worth it! yay! bnss got gold! =) wahahahaha.. sound better than their normal prac.. so happy!! and we took a grp photo.. but duno who de camera wor.. -.-" ![]() me, edwin and farah! ![]() me and karen! ![]() jin, yi xin and me! ![]() clement chiang [eric's cousin, my 'brother'] and me! ![]() someone's damn siann.. aniwae.. i went home and take a few stuff den i went to downtown east liao.. oh.. yah!! the second night was REALLY FUN!! wahahahaha.. tt ah beng hor.. really cum sia.. frankie lar.. whoa.. he really kena bully like siao.. =X ![]() ![]() er.. those photos abv not i take one wor.. in fact most of the chalet photos were taken by rui.. just tt she took it using my fone! ![]() haha.. tt''s me! =) ![]() me and sze rui! why dunhv frankie de face? cos tt idiot say take pic with him must gv him 50 bucks! tt night i met sze rui on e bus lor.. den we went to buy tidbits.. cos tt xiao di say he will cum.. and we shld buy sth.. lol.. aniwae.. we did bought stuff.. but none he like!! whoa.. ok.. i buy one ricola strawberry.. ask him if he wans some.. den he say:"i dun like strawberry" kns! in the end hor.. he like eat more than half lar! den i shoot him den he diam diam.. ~.~ aniwae.. it's really fun!! wahahaha.. cos we bully him like siao! okay.. we did tickle him on the first day as well..but there's greg to save him by covering us with blanket.. -.-' very helpful hor? =X rui was the very itchy hand one.. but at least we did gv sze rui some colours! sze rui bought this choc pop corn.. den he open and eat.. frankie:"eeee.. not nice one" passes to me me:"eeeeeee.. ya lor.. really nt nice.." den we pass here pass there,nvr pass to her! >.< oh yah.. we still got to listen to his life story..part 2.. hear him complain abt stuff.. den sze rui ask him to sleep in the middle of us! LOL!! poor thing.. he kena tickle like siao lor! *shakes head* sze rui so playful sia.. well.. i can say this.. no matter wad he say.. he most likely kena tickled! den there's this blanket tug of war btw me and rui.. being caught in the middle.. i PITY him arh! lol.. den there's this part while me and rui was talking.. forgot wad we're talking abt lar.. but he said this:"ya lor.. my face so white.. i can become xiao bai lian.. u all take my pic hor.. must pay me money one lei..'' very funny lar.. den there's the other part when sze rui keeps telling us to take stuff (like we her servant like tt).. den he say she fat!! luff to death! oh yah! den sze rui shaved off part of her eye brow ma.. den he was like:"eeee.. i tink it's scary!" super damn funny lar.. cos thruout the whole night he din really dare to see her face! den i oso kena... wen i say i gg to sleep hor.. it's not sze rui tt stopped me from sleeping wor.. it's frankie!! tt idiot go and pull the blanket lar! and i tot it's sze rui.. wahahaa.. den i oso forgot wad happen liao lor.. cos i fall asleep.. haha.. one word!! FUN! TWO WORDS?!! EXTREMELY FUN!! it's not everyday get to bully such an ah beng like him ok? wahahahahaha.. =P ~this chalet is treally FUN! =)~ Sunday, April 15, 2007 yeah! finally i get to blog abt this wonderful chalet! i guess i shalll split this into 2 ba! haha.. this one focus on the stuff tt happened b4 the chalet! omg.. Bryan got knocked down by a vehicle! i onli he's in changi general hospital.. and that he's wheel chair bound..it's onli for now i hope.. talking abt it.. sia suay wor.. he anihow cross road.. cos he's drunk.. but! the driver is oso DRUNK and SPEEDING.. *arbish* damn suay rt? thanks to sze rui for pointing this out.. last chalet which was organised my my ex colleagues.. he was there.. this time hor.. even if he wanna go oso cant go.. whoa.. so freaking coincidental.. did anyone curse him anyway? dun tink he deserves it.. and the best part is this! wen i reach there.. whoa! everyone know abt it liao wor!! heh.. thanks arh.. radio rui! >.< er.. how did i know it aniwae? oh yah! cos alex goh told me.. so scary.. whoa lao.. actually supposed to visit him with him and my senior who is his gf de.. aiyo.. suddenly forget her name.. =X but! he had to catch a flight the following day.. so.. he gave me bryan's gf's number and ask me to call her and say"i wanna talk to Bryan" OMG.. brainless one hor? eeee... anygal in the right mind wun do that.. well.. gotta wait and see wad happens! hahaha.. i'm tired enuf le! =) lols.. wait till i hv time and mood to blog ba! oh yah!! better do this first! hahaha.. looks like my blog has a thing with ppl changing hair style wor! ![]() haha.. i got to see the finished product!! =) u guys can wait till band prac den! muahahahaha.. aRGH~~ sianZz.. cant sleep.. so i went online.. and.. omg! wtf! okay.. samuel knows wad happened.. omfg.. okay.. heck tt.. aniwae.. almost forgot to say tt tha parents' night was sorta a gathering for the bnss ppl.. haha.. or at least for the clarinet section? cos those who nvr really went back to bnss.. like ting ting, man ting and jasmine ALL went back! THAT'S A MIRACLE!! aniwae.. of course we gossiped ar!! hahaha.. first few qns was "are u attached?" amazingly! no one said yes! so weird hor?! LOL.. okay.. just ignore me! aniwae.. went for kenneth sea, biondi, chun meng de chalet.. FINALLY got to go out with my best friends okay? aniwae.. it wasnt fun.. =X haha.. not at all wen compared to the 2nd chalet!! well.. but at least i get to see those tt i nvr really get to see.. oh!! i forgot to mention tt i met my geog teacher ms lim chiang siew on the bus there! LOL!! hahaha.. she was like asking me stuff abt my classmates etc.. haha... the few few qns she ask was where i'm going.. den i say chalet.. den she was like:"huh? haha.. nvr wear nice nice?" me: -.-" go chalet onli wad.. wear so nice for wad? afterall it's onli sec sch ppl.. ms lim:"hahaha.. icic.." whoops! wahahaha.. too lazy to wait for the grp photos.. haha.. so here i go!! ![]() me and eric!! haha.. hahaha.. hope he joins tp band! =) ![]() er.. supposed to be 3 person.. but but.. ![]() the complete picture~ eric me samuel ![]() ting ting me xiaoyan ![]() biondi.. [didi as his sp ppl call him] ![]() long time no see frens! me and chun meng ![]() sec 3 and 4 classmates me and tao guang ![]() melissa and me haha.. sec 3 and 4 classmates ![]() samuel chia.. me.. nicholas li yirun aka alex?! dun ask me why he's alex.. i dun understand! ![]() hong jie! haha.. same class for 4 years.. see his face till sian liao.. =X and he's in tp de ccm.. ![]() sally me and samuel ![]() shuai ge? ![]() yes! ![]() wahahaha.. so 自恋! whoops! ![]() ![]() almost one year liao... ![]() this time is the most jia lat days i ever hv to go thru! duno wad to buy wor! haha.. it took place at aloha.. aquila bungalow.. eeeeeeee.. my sis says bungalow is the most unclean one.. haha.. just glad nth happened to me! =) after this.. i went home and packed stuff for my nxt chalet! this chalet not fun de.. =X they took 3 hours to start the thingy.. -.-" yah! at least the nxt chalet's really FUN!! |
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